Wednesday, March 16, 2011

You Know You're Irish When.....

Last night we were with some friends and Jacob mentioned that his uncle Rich lives in Ireland.  
A friend responded quizzically, "You're Irish?"  
Another friend quickly answered with "Well, just look at his wife!"  
And that, my friends, is how genetics works around here  : )  
Happy St. Patrick's Day!

I thought staging a green photo shoot might be clever.  
But it really was just a temptation to disturb my creative vision. 


Aimee said...

OK, his hair has grown SO much since we saw you last! He is really starting to look like a big boy. Well, his first birthday IS just around the corner...CRAZY!

We missed you and your "Irish" selves tonight at our 2nd annual St. Patrick's Day dinner. (We had to do it one night early b/c we have Bible study on Thursdays.) We had fun but of course, we wish you could have been here with us!

Sending our love...

Elizabeth said...

Oh. I want to smoosh him and squeeze him and kiss him.