Sunday, September 4, 2011

Jacob's High Route Trip

From Aug 21st to Aug 27th I went on a camping trip with two guys Rebekah and I met last year, Ed and Loy. Most of this post will be pictures so you can see most of the things we saw.

This is the view as we started up the mono pass trail above Rock Creek.

The morning of the second day, we came from Fourth Recess lake and hiked up about 1000 ft and walk through this meadow towards those mountains in the back.
This is the view from below the mountains at Laurel Lake. It is right below Ross Finch Lake on the Sierra High Route. If you look closely, you can see some trees heading up the left side of the mountain. We hiked out along those trees up to Big Horn pass which is that dip you see to the left of the peek at the center of the photo, right where the glacier is. We didn't have a trail for the next couple days. We spent the next day exploring this lake and also Grinnell Lake North East of here. It was nice to leave all the gear behind and have only a day pack.

This is Ed and Loy heading up toward Big Horn Pass. That is Laurel Lake behind them.

After hiking up the first ridge, we came to that glacier you see below. We crossed that and hiked up another ridge to get to the pass.

After Big Horn Pass, above my right shoulder, we hiked across all those rocks, called talus, for a few miles until we came to Shout of Relief Pass. That lake to my left is Big Horn Lake and behind that is Ross Finch Lake.

Looking the other way on the pass, you could see all these lakes. The one in the upper right is Tully lake, where we spent the next night.

Mariposa Lilies.
Flowers on Shout of relief pass. About 2-3 inches tall.

More flowers on the pass.

My favorite flower on the pass.

Heading down into the valley from Shout of Relief Pass. Still no trail.

Another shot heading down the glacier.
After the glacier we came across this beautiful array of purple flowers.
Tully Lake. We took our shoes off and walked in the grass. Soft and spongy, it felt wonderful.
Sunset at Tully lake. That's called Alpine glow.
Another sunset shot.
The next day we headed toward McGee pass after fording this stream. Peaceful here, but downstream, much rougher. Tully lake is behind those rocks (and some others as well).
The view behind us as we headed to McGee pass.
Another Shot.
Flowers on the way to the pass.
After McGee pass, we headed down through here. If you look you can see a trail heading down the rock, but it disappears under the snow for quite some time.
And when there's no trail, you've got to make your own. Just don't slip because it's a long way down. Also, it started to hail as we were crossing this series of glaciers.
After the pass we came across more beautiful flowers.

One last mountain in the meadow.
The last section was a bit more desert like.
This is the three of us at the end of 6 days and 30-35 miles.


Robin/Mom said...

my favorite is the sunset at Tully Lake. Absolutely spectacular, God's goodness in all of it's glory!

Aimee said...

Wow Jake! It looks like you had a great time...and what BEAUTIFUL scenery!

Jacob said...

It was a beautiful trip. Desolate and amazing.