Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A Little Christmas

I made an Advent Calendar this year, hanging it from the new beam we added to the kitchen.  It's been fun watching Jacob and Alaka'i open it each night.  Alaka'i now knows how to say "cookie", "caramel cookie" and "chocolate cookie".  

I got this idea from Martha Stewart.  I am not that creative.  But I did make a few changes to suit my own tastes. 

A few weeks ago, we had a Monday morning date at "Intellegentsia", a somewhat trendy coffee shop in Silverlake.   We enjoyed our time together, but I must say that Jacob makes the best cappuccino in town.  Honestly. 

Here's one of many attempted photo shoots.

I am not claiming any sewing ability, but I sure had fun making this!  
 (I really posted this for you two, Mom and Bit)

 The hand-stitching was my favorite part.

Daddy and Alaka'i opening the calendar on the 19th.  

I thought I'd try again with a photo shoot before bedtime.

 He just wants to look in the camera screen at the "baby"!

I think this is a success!


Aimee said...

What a cute little munka chunka! That's one of Lizzie's nick names =)
I am so excited that we will be seeing you all in a matter of DAYS! So fun!

Aimee said...

Oh, and I love the stocking! And I am SO glad you put sequins on it! I think sequins make a stocking special! =)

P.S. Have you seen my stocking? Sequin-city! I love it, Daniel hates's kind of an ongoing joke in our home.

Elizabeth said...

I say this every time, but he is ADORABLE! I love the Advent calendar and love all the pics. Keep 'em coming, sissy! Great work on the stocking. I may have to get you to make one for my new little one. :)