Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Here's the current re-cap of May.  Enjoy seeing our 2 year old!

He's posing with his birthday Dutch Baby Pancake for breakfast.  This is his favorite, and I think mine too!  

 Birthday sunglasses from Nana and Pop Pop. 

 Here is the beloved Travel Town.  We came here for this birthday.  Even while we were just at Disneyland, he kept saying he wanted to come here. 

 This is his favorite train at Travel Town.  The first time I took him, he just sat on the cement and threw rocks at the wheels for probably 20 minutes. 

 They let you climb inside some of the engines!

 After Travel Town, we came home and had more birthday festivities.  He's enjoying a banana chocolate chip birthday cupcake.

 This was his favorite birthday card, by far.  He played with this for days afterwards.  Thanks Nana, Pop Pop, Auntie Bit and Uncle Jon!   Aimee, the first time I put these pajamas on him, he said "look at all those helicopters!"

This was a birthday present from last year, but he still loves it. 

 We just got back from Disneyland last night.  We spent a few days there with Jacob's family, to celebrate Lucas and his cousin's graduation from high school.  Here is the first ride of the trip, in Bugs Life.  Alaka'i was not impressed. 

 Alaka'i was definitely impressed here.  This was his favorite spot in the entire park!  It's the redwood playground in California Adventure.  Aimee, didn't it used to be called "Brother Bear something"?

 These rope holes were too big for him and his feet kept sliding through.  He also lost his shoes multiple times, but he was not to be deterred.

 Auntie Bekah and her sunglasses. 

 Teacups with Daddy and Mommy.  Jacob spun the cup and Alaka'i loved it.  I had to make the request to slow it down so I didn't throw up : )

 Carousel with Tutu!

 Alice in Wonderland with Grandpa and his sunglasses! 

 Giant Ferris Wheel with Auntie Bekah and Tutu.  Mom and Bit, yes he has crocs.  They are awesome, and the perfect shoe for stomping in puddles!  

 The day after.  
After 2 Disney-filled days with no naps, he slept hard last night and napped hard today.  Here he is waking after a 3 hour snooze this afternoon.

The coolest pillow case from Nana and Pop Pop.  He loves it!

Here's a train whistle he got as a gift from daddy.

He got a great Richard Scarry counting book for his birthday too. 


Elizabeth said...

Yay! Thanks for posting all the pictures! What a CUTIE! And way to go, nonny, on teaching him to count to 10. That's pretty awesome stuff. Love to you all!

Suelynn said...

Oh my goodness - such a cutie pie! And so smart - counting from 1 to 10, wow! I hope I can see him (and you of course!) someday, I just want to give him a big squeeze! (Jet also have those same monkey pajamas!)

Aimee said...

I love the sparkle in his eye as he's eating the muffin in his highchair. Too cute! That's one happy boy!

And, no, "Brother Bear Park" was what Rachel and I always called it. It's real name has always been "Redwood Creek Challenge Trail" with a by-line on the sign that says "...the home of Brother Bear" or something like that. That was our boys' absolute favorite spot at Disneyland when they were Alaka'i's age. Seriously, we could have spent the whole day there and they would have been happy. And I totally remember both of my boys getting their feet/legs stuck in the rope ramp. =) Sweet memories!