Monday, January 7, 2013

New Christmas Present

Alaka'i got a very special Christmas present this year....grass!  Thanks Grandpa and Tutu!

 We've been calling this section of the backyard "middle earth".  It's been a mound of dirt for a while now. To the right is the finished seating area, and to the left is the garden, where Jacob grows tomatoes, carrots and whatever else, and also where the apricot, cherry and various citrus trees are.  

 Here is middle earth, leveled.

 The grass is being installed....

 The first romp!  It feels wonderful, the color is beautiful, and it has a 10 year warranty.  We expect it to last at least 15 years, and we NEVER have to water it! 

The view from another angle.


Aimee said...

Woo Hoo! I love it! What a wonderful gift!

Anonymous said...

looks great !!