Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Some Happiness

We've got so much to be thankful for!

This is the second time she has fallen asleep in her high chair.  Poor baby.  She even has a piece of dried mango still in her mouth.  

 Daddy time in the "seating area".

 And here they are eating daddy's dessert.  They swarm like hawks as soon as a spoon and bowl appear in one of our hands.  

 Here's a birthday breakfast for our special friend Amanda!

You can see the two teeth!  At 15 months, that is all she still has : ) 

 Lots of laughter with these two.

We recently enjoyed Sunday lunch with our dear friends the Bartons.  Here are all the kids loving some book time.  

1 comment:

Nana said...

Love these new pics. Still need more!