Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Happy Birthday Baby Boy!

We had the joy of celebrating one year of life with Alaka'i this past weekend.  The party was on a cool SoCal May 14, perfect in every way.  Pop Pop and Nana flew in from Wisconsin and lots of friends came to enjoy the day.    There were salads and streamers and presents and babies and hamburgers and LOTS of loves for the birthday boy.  We are so grateful to be the parents of this sweet babe, and pray next year we can celebrate yet another year together as a family! 

 Me and my Mama!

Lots of help went into getting this all ready.

 Me and my Dad!
Alaka'i and I get our blue eyes from him.

Alaka'i's buddy Daniel.

Could Emily and I pass as sisters?

 Our neighbors and some friends.

 Grilled goods enjoyed by all.

My sweet boys.

Such a long day.

 He got his second wind while we opened presents.

What is there not to love about this boy?


msylvester said...

Oh my goodness - so cute!!! Everything looked great and the cake looked amazing! What an adorable little boy you have, can you believe he's already 1?! Time sure flies. Wish we could've been there to celebrate with you guys, know that we miss and love you all!

Nana said...

It was a blessing and a joy to spend time with all of you. Love and kisses to you all (especially sweet baby Alaka'i)

Anonymous said...

Stacy, looks like a wonderful first b-day for baby boy! Wish I could have been there but ya'll are always in my heart...Luv Aunt Te

Sally said...

What a fabulous birthday party! You must have all had a wonderful time. Alaka'i is so precious.

Pop Pop said...

I knew it was a special moment as I lived it - through the talents of Jacob's photography - it is so amazing to live it again! What a day! What a baby! What a family! What friends! Glory and praise loving God!!!