Saturday, August 18, 2012

Assorted Goodies

Okay, we are all caught up on the blog now.  Sorry for the delay!

 He often gets splinters when he goes barefoot in the backyard, and then howls when we take them out with the tweezers.  YET - he enjoys playing "take out my splinters" as a daily game.  Here are his blue tweezers and some saline nasal spray.  I'm not sure of this technique he's using.

 Hey, lets make faces while trying to go potty on the toilet. 

 No success, other than much laughter.

 He loves wearing his "dirty Thomas Train boots" (thanks Sissy!) and picking blackberries every morning.  We have to supervise the picking, or he'd eat them all, green and tart, and none would ever make it to ripe.

 He's so good at sharing, even the foods he really loves.

 These flowers did not last long on the white stool.  After he proceeded to sniff them every few seconds, he then made sure giraffe got lots of smells too.  Within moments, stems were broken and flowers were dangling.  I relocated the flowers to the top of the piano.  : )

 There is a smaller Thomas that fits quite nicely on this track, but he really wanted this one on there too. 

Time:  5:13 pm
Inside temp:  82.4 degrees (so thankful we have air conditioning)
Outside temp:  105 degrees
(This is mostly for memory's sake for me.)

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