Saturday, December 8, 2012


I've finally got some updates for our backyard, which is still a work in progress, but we are getting there!

This was taken a few months ago, when Jacob was just laying out the gravel to begin work on the pathways.  He also laid the railroad ties in the "seating area".

 Here is the beginning shot of the first pathway.

 Faithful Joshua helped lay the first stones!

 Another crew of good friends helped with the seating area - here's Morgan, Ryan, Jasper and Jacob.

They're all hard at work!

 This is what the backyard looks like currently.  Jacob had help the first day of the project, but after that, he finished it all himself!

 The patio (red tiled area, underneath the pergola) will eventually be a wooden deck.

Finishing touches are still needed, but Jacob is mostly done now.  

 Chicken fence is to the left, the patio and pergola are to the right, and straight ahead are the 2 plum trees that Jacob has growing on an espalier.

 This is behind the garage, leading to the other gate.

 This is what we call "Middle Earth".  We hope to get rid of the mounds of dirt, and hopefully plant grass or lay sod.

The seating area!

Here's an aerial view Jacob took from the rooftop.

And another one.  We take the awning off the pergola during the winter, to protect the fabric from all the rain.

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