Saturday, June 8, 2013

We Had a Girl!

This announcement is a bit delayed, but here are some photos of our sweet baby girl:
Ezri Lynn
Born:  June 1, 2013 at 9:00 pm
8lb 6 oz.  21.5 inches long

She is so precious to us and we love having a girl to add to our family.  What a special joy!  Alaka'i is a wonderful big brother, and so far, we are doing well here.

 Here we are, family of 3, right before we headed off to the hospital to wait and wait and wait (26 hours) before we would meet our little Ezri.  

My water broke on May 31, around 3:00 pm.  We casually finished up things around the house, while I was questioning whether the water did in fact break.  Once confirmed, we packed our stuff, Alaka'i's stuff, cleaned the house, and our dear friend Nakia came and picked up Alaka'i around 6:30pm.  After arrival and admittance at hospital, we waited for contractions that never started.  Finally in the morning on June 1, after giving in to the suggestion to begin a Pitocin induction, very faint contractions started.  But they led to nothing.   Around 3:00 that afternoon the doc suggested "slamming" me with Pitocin, to get things really cranking.  For one hour, she was going to up the dosage every 15 minutes, until things were progressing and I was actually experiencing labor.  We decided to go ahead with the plan.  By 7:00 that night (June 1), while several good friends were bedside keeping us entertained (Mary, Stacey and Angelika), finally the contractions were needing my attention.  By 7:15pm our friends left.  by 7:30pm I was already working through the contractions, as strong as any I had remembered having by the end of labor with Alaka'i.  And by 9:00 pm, Ezri was born!  I chose to not have any pain meds, so being induced was very intimidating, because I didn't want to progress beyond what my body was capable of handling.  That ended up being exactly what happened, but God gave me the the grace and strength to endure.  It was a fast and furious labor!  
Praise Him for the gift of our daughter and "helper" - Ezri. 

 First few moments with his new sister. 

 Too precious, this little girl!  

 Welcome to the family, Ezri Lynn!

 Milk coma (see the drip at the bottom of her lip?).

  Until next time!

1 comment:

Briana said...

Hi Stacy! It's been a really long time since I have seen or spoken to you...congratulations on the birth of your new baby girl! Your family is beautiful :-). I am not sure how I came across your blog, but I am so glad that I did. I would love to see you sometime this summer if you have time. Hope all is well!