Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Babies and Backyard

Sorry for such a delay!  Here are some more photos:

 Here's the 'ol Pooh Bear Pic!  Auntie Sally sent a stuffed Thumper, so after the week 1 photo, all her photos will be with Thumper now!


 Nana and Pop Pop came to visit, and we had a great time with them!  

 Here's Nana's 4th grandbaby.  It must be fun to be a Grandma!!

 And here's Pop Pop!  No Dodger gear yet : )

 Ah yes, crying with Thumper.

 Grandpa came to visit too!  This is where Ezri spent many an afternoon.  He wasn't really into "sharing" her.  

 One she had her first bath, her hair never laid flat again : )

 Uncle Lucas, Tutu, Grandpa and the kiddos!!

 On Kauai, they call this "Polynesian Paralysis".    This is actually on the 4th of July, before we headed to a friend's house.

 Here's a little better view of the "pokey hair", as Alaka'i calls it.

 If he could, he would probably carry her around with him all day.  He loves his sister, and I am constantly having to say things like:  "Don't put that helicopter on her head.  You can't sit on top of her.  No, Sweetie, she can't eat that burrito". 

 I missed the 4 week shot, so we skipped from week 3 to 5.  She is definitely getting longer.

 She's a sweet one!

 On Thursday mornings, this is what Alaka'i does.  He's on his bed, looking out the window, watching the million garbage trucks (actually, there are 6 in total) that go down the street.  

 More loving that sister!  I can sometimes overhear him saying "Hi Ezri, I love you.  Do you wanna play trains?"

 Here's the backyard, looking better all the time.  Grandpa and Tutu put up the wooden fence around the rock garden.  THANKS!  It keeps all the kiddos out of the plants : )

I love all the nighttime smiles.  Alaka'i calls this the "Elephant Burrito".  Thanks Auntie Bekah, for the much-used blanket!  


Nana said...

Love the new pictures....love the "pokey hair" also!

Aimee said...

Oh my she's a cutie! I see so much of you in her Stacy...she's exactly like I'd picture you looking when you were a wee one! =) I can't wait to meet her...just a couple more weeks! And it's so fun to see her wearing some Lizzie and Leah hand-me-downs. The little blue and yellow flowered romper was a favorite of mine on Leah. =)

Suelynn said...

She is such a cutie pie! And I love how Alaka'i loves her so much, doesn't that just kill you when you see those sweet sibling love moments? And what's up with boys and garbage trucks? Jet is the exact same. And your backyard looks amazing!! Hope you're doing well my friend! xoxoxo!!