Saturday, August 18, 2012


At the end of July, the four cousins from Kauai were here to visit (with Dan and Aimee!), and we had a wonderful, but short time together. 

 He's actually holding the ammunition from Auntie Bekah's gun.  She carries one for her job.  Nice.

 Jonathan, Leah - the newest, sweetest Moore, Aden, Alaka'i (trying to make a get-away), Lizzie-Loo and Auntie Bekah! 

 This is one of the many reasons the kiddos love Auntie Bekah so much.  Alaka'i is begging, "Want to do it again, want to do it again!"

Now it's his turn. 

 Wow, Aimee, what's the caption for this one?  : )

 "Bye Bye Uncle Duckle". 
We miss and love you.

"Bye Bye Auntie Aimee". 
We wish we could see you a lot more often. 

1 comment:

Aimee said...

Well, they both sort of have the look of a wild animal guarding their "kill" (aka fruit leather) least they're caged! =)